
I am Patrick Verdoorn, a 17 year old boy who lives in Papendrecht. Papendrecht is a little town in the Netherlands. My life started on the 8th of May 1995. My father is a music lover, and over the years I
began to love music too. But not my father's music but dubstep. It's a genre which was created in 2002. Many people don't like dubstep, but that's also a reason why it's special to me. Music is a part of my life and that will never change. In 2012 I worked the whole summer to afford my DJ set. As you can see I
did my job and I got my set. I've got 3 best friends, named David, Danny and Daan. It's a little
bit strange because all of their names begin with the letter D. Also I have a lot of other friends,
but they're not like my best friends. Currently I'm studying at the Zadkine school. The study is called
Human Technology and that's also the reason why I made this website.

A little interview about me:

- What do you want other people to think that you're good at?
They just need to know that I'm a good person :)

- What do you wish you had more time to do?
For my career as a DJ

- How do you imagine yourself 10 years later?
As a man with 2 kids, a beautiful wife and an amazing job

- If you could change something about yourself what would that be?
My sleep problem

- Where do you work? What was the most interesting thing what happened with you during your job?
I'm working at a gardening business,

- What is your best skill?
I have no best skill, and I think no one has

-If you can choose one thing to be a professional in one day, what would that be?
Being a DJ/music developer